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Jessica A. Keeley, MD


1.   Wound Culture Utility in Negative Surgical Exploration for Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection.

Howell EC, Keeley JA, Woods AL, Kaji AH, Deane MR, Kim DY, Neville AL.

Am Surg. 2019 Oct 1;85(10):1175-1178.

PMID:  31657319


2.  Chance to cut: defining a negative exploration rate in patients with suspected necrotizing soft tissue infection.

Howell EC, Keeley JA, Kaji AH, Deane MR, Kim DY, Putnam B, Lee SL, Woods AL, Neville AL.

Trauma Surg Acute Care Open. 2019 Feb 27;4(1):e000264. doi: 10.1136/tsaco-2018-000264. eCollection 2019.


3. Extremity compartment syndrome.

Schellenberg M, Chong V, Cone J, Keeley J, Inaba K.

Curr Probl Surg. 2018 Jul;55(7):256-273. doi: 10.1067/j.cpsurg.2018.08.002. Epub 2018 Aug 23. Review. No abstract available.


4. Mandatory Operative Re-Exploration after Initial Debridement of Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections: Is it Mandatory?

Spence LH, Yan H, Moazzez A, Schwed A, Keeley J, Karimzada M, Allison M, Neville A, Plurad D, Putnam B, de Virgilio C, Kim D.

Am Surg. 2017 Oct 1;83(10):1117-1121.


5. Modifiable risk factors and the role of driving pressure in acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Keeley JA, Kim DY.

J Thorac Dis. 2017 May;9(5):E487-E488. doi: 10.21037/jtd.2017.03.140. No abstract available.


6. Clinical predictors of early acute respiratory distress syndrome in trauma patients.

O'Leary MP, Keeley JA, Yule A, Suruki C, Plurad DS, Moazzez A, Neville AL, Putnam BA, Kim DY.

Am J Surg. 2016 Dec;212(6):1096-1100. doi: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2016.09.008. Epub 2016 Sep 30.


7. Predictors of Ischemic Bowel in Patients with Small Bowel Obstruction.

O'Leary MP, Neville AL, Keeley JA, Kim DY, de Virgilio C, Plurad DS.

Am Surg. 2016 Oct;82(10):992-994.


8. Predictors of Mortality in Trauma Patients Aged 80 years or Older.

Mock K, Keeley J, Moazzez A, Plurad DS, Putnam B, Kim DY.

Am Surg. 2016 Oct;82(10):926-929.


9. Short- and Long-term Results of Unroofing and Marsupialization for Adolescent Pilonidal Disease.

Rouch JD, Keeley JA, Scott A, Sydorak R, DeUgarte D, Lee SL.

JAMA Surg. 2016 Sep 1;151(9):877-9. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2016.0850. No abstract available.


10. Factors Associated with Amputation after Popliteal Vascular Injuries.

Keeley J, Koopmann M, Yan H, DeVirgilio C, Putnam B, Plurad D, Y Kim D.

Ann Vasc Surg. 2016 May;33:83-7. doi: 10.1016/j.avsg.2016.02.004. Epub 2016 Mar 18. Erratum in: Ann Vasc Surg. 2017 Feb;39:312.


11. Vascular Trauma Operative Experience is Inadequate in General Surgery Programs.

Yan H, Maximus S, Koopmann M, Keeley J, Smith B, Virgilio Cd, Kim DY.

Ann Vasc Surg. 2016 May;33:94-7. doi: 10.1016/j.avsg.2016.02.005. Epub 2016 Mar 8.


12. Predictors of Severity in Diabetic Foot Infections.

Callahan D, Keeley J, Alipour H, DeVirgilio C, Kaji A, Plurad D, Kim DY.

Ann Vasc Surg. 2016 May;33:103-8. doi: 10.1016/j.avsg.2016.01.003. Epub 2016 Mar 8.


13. Nutritional Status Does Not Correlate with Stump Complications in Two-stage Lower Extremity Amputations.

Keeley J, Kaji A, Kim D, Plurad D, Putnam B, Neville A.

Am Surg. 2015 Oct;81(10):922-6.


13. General Surgery Residents can Be a Reliable Resource in the Evaluation of Residency Applications.

Kim DY, Gifford E, Nguyen A, Moazzez A, Plurad D, Keeley J, Pham XB, Bricker S, Bongard F, Hari D, de Virgilio C.

J Surg Educ. 2015 Nov-Dec;72(6):e172-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jsurg.2015.08.006. Epub 2015 Sep 14. Review.


14 .Predictors of mortality in necrotizing soft tissue infection.

Keeley J, Kaji A, Kim D, Yan H, Putnam BA, Plurad D, Bricker S, Neville AL.

Am Surg. 2014 Oct;80(10):989-93.

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